NetTRACK Technology USA, LLC Home Page

NetTRACK Technology USA, LLCNetwork Semiconductor Software Company

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Founded in 2002, NetTRACK Technology USA, LLC develops, designs, manufactures, refurbishes, and markets capital equipment and software for semiconductor equipments; and for advanced semiconductor manufacturing as well as for other, emerging non-semiconductor applications.

NetTRACK Technology USA, LLC offers various products including software and hardware that improve the linear lithography chemical photo resist track 86 and 88 systems. NetTRACK’s core business is software design specialized in semiconductor application. We want our software applicable to every aspects of semiconductor.

The company is head quarter in San Jose, California, USA and sale offices worldwide.

NetTRACK Technology USA, LLC Specializes in System Software Design And Development for Semiconductor Equipments.

NetTRACK Technology USA, LLC was found since June 2002 from a group of young and motivated hardware, software, and technical support engineers who have extensive hand-on experiences in making semiconductor equipments.

NetTRACK Technology USA, LLC philosophy is freedom of design, learning, helping customers to solve the problems, and innovative thinking…

Using our experience we can help our customers to solve their problems. Our products include new software for Track 86/88, new PCB design, software for system 90/90s, SECS I/II GEM software for factory automation, real-time embedded software development.

NetTRACK Technology USA, LLC Customers

Countries Estimated
USA 10+
Europe 5+
China 5+
Taiwan 2+
Middle East 1+